@jackiszhp 写道:
with cocos creator 2.2.0, build for native iOS, compiled and then run, I got this error.
ERROR: Uncaught TypeError: t._updateRenderData is not a function, location: src/cocos2d-jsb.975cb.js:0:0
[ERROR] (/Users/yogi/claude/svn1/nb_game/nb_hall_dianwan222/build/jsb-default/frameworks/cocos2d-x/cocos/scripting/js-bindings/jswrapper/v8/Object.cpp, 534): Invoking function (0x281a69ce0) failed!when I run hello world project, I do not encounter this problem.
I search updateRenderData in my project, I can not find anything.can anyone have an idea? thanks.
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