@avatar 写道:
pt.AppActivity t22969} time:60986646
02-09 19:22:49.397 24498 24512 D cocos2d-x debug info: Cocos2d-JS v3.13
02-09 19:22:49.677 24498 24512 D cocos2d-x: create rendererRecreatedListener for GLProgramState
02-09 19:22:49.677 24498 24512 D cocos2d-x: cocos2d: QuadCommand: resizing index size from [-1] to [2560]
02-09 19:22:49.857 24498 24512 D cocos2d-x debug info: Success to load scene: db://assets/Scene/menu.fire
02-09 19:22:49.887 24498 24512 D cocos2d-x debug info: Open
02-09 19:22:49.927 24498 24512 D cocos2d-x debug info: preloadScene(load) over从日志上看应该加载成功了呀,之前有js错误我都修复了,现在没错误,又黑屏,左下角的debug信息GL calls那些可以正常显示
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