@754141166 写道:
var MoveDirection = cc.Enum({
NONE: 0,
UP: 1,
DOWN: 2,
LEFT: 3,
});var minTilesCount = 2;
var mapMoveStep = 1;
var minMoveValue = 50;cc.Class({
extends: cc.Component,
editor: {
requireComponent: cc.TiledMap
},properties: { _touchStartPos: { default: null, serializable: false, }, _touching: { default: false, serializable: false, }, _isMapLoaded : { default: false, serializable: false, }, floorLayerName: { default: 'floor' }, barrierLayerName: { default: 'barrier' }, objectGroupName: { default: 'players' }, startObjectName: { default:'SpawnPoint' }, successObjectName: { default:'SuccessPoint' } }, // use this for initialization onLoad: function () { this._player = this.node.getChildByName('player'); if (! this._isMapLoaded) { this._player.active = false; } var self = this; cc.eventManager.addListener({ event: cc.EventListener.KEYBOARD, onKeyPressed: function(keyCode, event) { self._onKeyPressed(keyCode, event); } }, self.node); this.node.on(cc.Node.EventType.TOUCH_START, function (event) { self._touching = true; self._touchStartPos = event.touch.getLocation(); }, self); this.node.on(cc.Node.EventType.TOUCH_END, function (event) { if (!self._touching) return; self._touching = false; var touchPos = event.touch.getLocation(); var movedX = touchPos.x - self._touchStartPos.x; var movedY = touchPos.y - self._touchStartPos.y; var movedXValue = Math.abs(movedX); var movedYValue = Math.abs(movedY); if (movedXValue < minMoveValue && movedYValue < minMoveValue) { // touch moved not enough return; } var newTile = cc.p(this._curTile.x, this._curTile.y); var mapMoveDir = MoveDirection.NONE; if (movedXValue >= movedYValue) { // move to right or left if (movedX > 0) { newTile.x += 1; mapMoveDir = MoveDirection.LEFT; } else { newTile.x -= 1; mapMoveDir = MoveDirection.RIGHT; } } else { // move to up or down if (movedY > 0) { newTile.y -= 1; mapMoveDir = MoveDirection.DOWN; } else { newTile.y += 1; mapMoveDir = MoveDirection.UP; } } this._tryMoveToNewTile(newTile, mapMoveDir); }, self); }, restartGame: function() { this._succeedLayer.active = false; this._initMapPos(); this._curTile = this._startTile; this._updatePlayerPos(); }, start: function(err) { if (err) return; // init the map position this._initMapPos(); // init the succeed layer this._succeedLayer = this.node.getParent().getChildByName('succeedLayer'); this._succeedLayer.active = false; // init the player position this._tiledMap = this.node.getComponent('cc.TiledMap'); var objectGroup = this._tiledMap.getObjectGroup(this.objectGroupName); if (!objectGroup) return; var startObj = objectGroup.getObject(this.startObjectName); var endObj = objectGroup.getObject(this.successObjectName); if (!startObj || !endObj) return; var startPos = cc.p(startObj.x, startObj.y); var endPos = cc.p(endObj.x, endObj.y); this._layerFloor = this._tiledMap.getLayer(this.floorLayerName); this._layerBarrier = this._tiledMap.getLayer(this.barrierLayerName); if (!this._layerFloor || !this._layerBarrier) return; this._curTile = this._startTile = this._getTilePos(startPos); this._endTile = this._getTilePos(endPos); if (this._player) { this._updatePlayerPos(); this._player.active = true; } this._isMapLoaded = true; }, _initMapPos: function() { this.node.setPosition(cc.visibleRect.bottomLeft); }, _updatePlayerPos: function() { var pos = this._layerFloor.getPositionAt(this._curTile); this._player.setPosition(pos); }, _getTilePos: function(posInPixel) { var mapSize = this.node.getContentSize(); var tileSize = this._tiledMap.getTileSize(); var x = Math.floor(posInPixel.x / tileSize.width); var y = Math.floor((mapSize.height - posInPixel.y) / tileSize.height); return cc.p(x, y); }, _onKeyPressed: function(keyCode, event) { if (!this._isMapLoaded || this._succeedLayer.active) return; var newTile = cc.p(this._curTile.x, this._curTile.y); var mapMoveDir = MoveDirection.NONE; switch(keyCode) { case cc.KEY.up: newTile.y -= 1; mapMoveDir = MoveDirection.DOWN; break; case cc.KEY.down: newTile.y += 1; mapMoveDir = MoveDirection.UP; break; case cc.KEY.left: newTile.x -= 1; mapMoveDir = MoveDirection.RIGHT; break; case cc.KEY.right: newTile.x += 1; mapMoveDir = MoveDirection.LEFT; break; default: return; } this._tryMoveToNewTile(newTile, mapMoveDir); }, _tryMoveToNewTile: function(newTile, mapMoveDir) { var mapSize = this._tiledMap.getMapSize(); if (newTile.x < 0 || newTile.x >= mapSize.width) return; if (newTile.y < 0 || newTile.y >= mapSize.height) return; if (this._layerBarrier.getTileGIDAt(newTile)) { cc.log('This way is blocked!'); return false; } // update the player position this._curTile = newTile; this._updatePlayerPos(); // move the map if necessary this._tryMoveMap(mapMoveDir); // check the player is success or not if (cc.pointEqualToPoint(this._curTile, this._endTile)) { cc.log('succeed'); this._succeedLayer.active = true; } }, _tryMoveMap: function(moveDir) { // get necessary data var mapContentSize = this.node.getContentSize(); var mapPos = this.node.getPosition(); var playerPos = this._player.getPosition(); var viewSize = cc.size(cc.visibleRect.width, cc.visibleRect.height); var tileSize = this._tiledMap.getTileSize(); var minDisX = minTilesCount * tileSize.width; var minDisY = minTilesCount * tileSize.height; var disX = playerPos.x + mapPos.x; var disY = playerPos.y + mapPos.y; var newPos; switch (moveDir) { case MoveDirection.UP: if (disY < minDisY) { newPos = cc.p(mapPos.x, mapPos.y + tileSize.height * mapMoveStep); } break; case MoveDirection.DOWN: if (viewSize.height - disY - tileSize.height < minDisY) { newPos = cc.p(mapPos.x, mapPos.y - tileSize.height * mapMoveStep); } break; case MoveDirection.LEFT: if (viewSize.width - disX - tileSize.width < minDisX) { newPos = cc.p(mapPos.x - tileSize.width * mapMoveStep, mapPos.y); } break; case MoveDirection.RIGHT: if (disX < minDisX) { newPos = cc.p(mapPos.x + tileSize.width * mapMoveStep, mapPos.y); } break; default: return; } if (newPos) { // calculate the position range of map var minX = viewSize.width - mapContentSize.width - cc.visibleRect.left; var maxX = cc.visibleRect.left.x; var minY = viewSize.height - mapContentSize.height - cc.visibleRect.bottom; var maxY = cc.visibleRect.bottom.y; if (newPos.x < minX) newPos.x = minX; if (newPos.x > maxX) newPos.x = maxX; if (newPos.y < minY) newPos.y = minY; if (newPos.y > maxY) newPos.y = maxY; if (!cc.pointEqualToPoint(newPos, mapPos)) { cc.log('Move the map to new position: ', newPos); this.node.setPosition(newPos); } } }
帖子: 1
参与者: 1