@15822775539 写道:
`2016-11-07T09:05:42.261Z - normal: Load ~/.CocosCreator/settings.json
2016-11-07T09:05:42.269Z - normal: checking language setting...
2016-11-07T09:05:42.270Z - normal: Language: zh
2016-11-07T09:05:43.363Z - success: protocol editor-framework registered
2016-11-07T09:05:43.363Z - success: protocol app registered
2016-11-07T09:05:43.363Z - success: protocol packages registered
2016-11-07T09:05:43.364Z - success: protocol theme registered
2016-11-07T09:05:43.364Z - success: protocol unpack registerred
2016-11-07T09:05:43.550Z - normal: connected!
2016-11-07T09:05:43.555Z - normal: Check project C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\mahjong
2016-11-07T09:05:43.565Z - normal: Initializing Cocos Creator Editor
2016-11-07T09:05:44.201Z - normal: Initializing Cocos2d
2016-11-07T09:05:44.455Z - normal: Initializing Asset Database
2016-11-07T09:05:44.486Z - success: protocol uuid registerred
2016-11-07T09:05:44.486Z - success: protocol db registerred
2016-11-07T09:05:44.486Z - success: protocol thumbnail registerred
2016-11-07T09:05:44.487Z - normal: Loading editor/builtin packages
2016-11-07T09:05:44.660Z - success: assets loaded
2016-11-07T09:05:44.664Z - success: builder loaded
2016-11-07T09:05:44.668Z - success: hierarchy loaded
2016-11-07T09:05:44.672Z - success: inspector loaded
2016-11-07T09:05:44.673Z - success: keystore loaded
2016-11-07T09:05:44.677Z - success: node-library loaded
2016-11-07T09:05:44.679Z - success: preferences loaded
2016-11-07T09:05:44.695Z - success: project-importer loaded
2016-11-07T09:05:44.697Z - success: project-settings loaded
2016-11-07T09:05:44.702Z - success: ui-kit loaded
2016-11-07T09:05:44.704Z - success: ui-grid loaded
2016-11-07T09:05:44.708Z - success: scene loaded
2016-11-07T09:05:44.710Z - success: sprite-editor loaded
2016-11-07T09:05:44.716Z - success: timeline loaded
2016-11-07T09:05:44.716Z - normal: Loading builtin packages
2016-11-07T09:05:44.721Z - success: asset-db-debugger loaded
2016-11-07T09:05:44.722Z - success: code-editor loaded
2016-11-07T09:05:44.723Z - success: color-picker loaded
2016-11-07T09:05:44.727Z - success: console loaded
2016-11-07T09:05:44.729Z - success: package-manager loaded
2016-11-07T09:05:44.734Z - success: tester loaded
2016-11-07T09:05:44.737Z - success: ui-kit-preview-extra loaded
2016-11-07T09:05:44.741Z - success: ui-kit-preview loaded
2016-11-07T09:05:44.744Z - success: ui-tree loaded
2016-11-07T09:05:44.797Z - normal: Initializing project C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\mahjong
2016-11-07T09:05:44.801Z - normal: Loading packages
2016-11-07T09:05:44.806Z - normal: Watching packages
2016-11-07T09:05:44.824Z - normal: Run Application
2016-11-07T09:05:45.869Z - success: preview server running at http://localhost:7456
2016-11-07T09:05:50.775Z - normal: 1.3.1
2016-11-07T09:11:16.333Z - normal: Simulator: SCREEN DPI = 96, SCREEN SCALE = 1.00
2016-11-07T09:11:16.335Z - normal: Simulator: WORKAREA WIDTH 1358.00, HEIGHT 688.00
2016-11-07T09:11:16.336Z - normal: Simulator: FRAME SCALE = 1.00
2016-11-07T09:11:16.457Z - normal: Simulator: Ready for GLSL
2016-11-07T09:11:16.457Z - normal: Simulator: Ready for OpenGL 2.0
2016-11-07T09:11:16.458Z - normal: Simulator: OpenGL: glGenFramebuffers is nullptr, try to detect an extension
2016-11-07T09:11:16.458Z - normal: Simulator: OpenGL: EXT_framebuffer_object is supported
2016-11-07T09:11:16.458Z - normal: Simulator:
2016-11-07T09:11:16.458Z - normal: Simulator: {
2016-11-07T09:11:16.459Z - normal: Simulator: gl.version: 2.1.0 - Build
2016-11-07T09:11:16.459Z - normal: Simulator: gl.supports_NPOT: true
2016-11-07T09:11:16.459Z - normal: Simulator: cocos2d.x.version: cocos2d-x-3.13-lite
2016-11-07T09:11:16.461Z - normal: Simulator: cocos2d.x.compiled_with_profiler: false
2016-11-07T09:11:16.464Z - normal: Simulator: cocos2d.x.build_type: DEBUG
2016-11-07T09:11:16.465Z - normal: Simulator: cocos2d.x.compiled_with_gl_state_cache: true
2016-11-07T09:11:16.466Z - normal: Simulator: gl.max_texture_size: 4096
2016-11-07T09:11:16.467Z - normal: Simulator: gl.supports_OES_packed_depth_stencil: false
2016-11-07T09:11:16.468Z - normal: Simulator: gl.vendor: Intel
2016-11-07T09:11:16.468Z - normal: Simulator: gl.renderer: Intel(R) HD Graphics
2016-11-07T09:11:16.469Z - normal: Simulator: gl.max_texture_units: 16
2016-11-07T09:11:16.470Z - normal: Simulator: gl.supports_ETC1: false
2016-11-07T09:11:16.470Z - normal: Simulator: gl.supports_PVRTC: false
2016-11-07T09:11:16.470Z - normal: Simulator: gl.supports_BGRA8888: false
2016-11-07T09:11:16.471Z - normal: Simulator: gl.supports_discard_framebuffer: false
2016-11-07T09:11:16.471Z - normal: Simulator: gl.supports_vertex_array_object: true
2016-11-07T09:11:16.471Z - normal: Simulator: gl.supports_OES_map_buffer: false
2016-11-07T09:11:16.471Z - normal: Simulator: gl.supports_OES_depth24: false
2016-11-07T09:11:16.472Z - normal: Simulator: }
2016-11-07T09:11:16.472Z - normal: Simulator:
2016-11-07T09:11:16.473Z - normal: Simulator:
2016-11-07T09:11:16.473Z - normal: Simulator: cocos2d: warning, Director::setProjection() failed because size is 0
2016-11-07T09:11:16.473Z - normal: Simulator: Project Config:
2016-11-07T09:11:16.474Z - normal: Simulator: project dir: D:\Program Files\CocosCreator\resources\cocos2d-x\simulator\win32\
2016-11-07T09:11:16.474Z - normal: Simulator: writable path: $(PROJDIR)\
2016-11-07T09:11:16.474Z - normal: Simulator: script file: $(PROJDIR)\main.js
2016-11-07T09:11:16.474Z - normal: Simulator: frame size: 960 x 640
2016-11-07T09:11:16.475Z - normal: Simulator: frame scale: 1.00
2016-11-07T09:11:16.475Z - normal: Simulator: show console: NO
2016-11-07T09:11:16.475Z - normal: Simulator: write debug log: NO ()
2016-11-07T09:11:16.495Z - normal: Simulator: listen:
2016-11-07T09:11:16.495Z - normal: Simulator: debugger: none
2016-11-07T09:11:16.496Z - normal: Simulator: add searching path:
2016-11-07T09:11:16.496Z - normal: Simulator:
2016-11-07T09:11:16.497Z - normal: Simulator:
2016-11-07T09:11:16.497Z - normal: Simulator:
2016-11-07T09:11:16.497Z - normal: Simulator: ------------------------------------------------
2016-11-07T09:11:16.498Z - normal: Simulator: LOAD Js FILE: main.js
2016-11-07T09:11:16.498Z - normal: Simulator: ------------------------------------------------
2016-11-07T09:11:16.986Z - normal: Simulator: Cocos2d-JS v3.13
2016-11-07T09:11:17.177Z - error: Simulator: 283:mutating the [[Prototype]] of an object will cause your code to run very slowly; instead create the object with the correct initial [[Prototype]] value using Object.create
at a (C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\mahjong\library\bundle.project.js?009:NaN:0)
2016-11-07T09:11:17.178Z - normal: Simulator:
2016-11-07T09:11:17.178Z - normal: Simulator: (evaluatedOK == JS_FALSE)
** 2016-11-07T09:11:17.180Z - error: Simulator: 5277:TypeError: global.location is undefined**
> at a (C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\mahjong\library\bundle.project.js?009:NaN:0)
2016-11-07T09:11:17.181Z - normal: Simulator:
2016-11-07T09:11:17.181Z - normal: Simulator: Evaluating main.js failed (evaluatedOK == JS_FALSE)
2016-11-07T09:11:17.184Z - normal: Simulator: iShow!本人在使用模拟器运行的时候,报了上面加粗的两行错误。非常不解。
帖子: 1
参与者: 1